WOD "12 Days of Christmas"
1. Rope Climb
2. Bar Muscle ups
3. Snatches - 60/40kg
4. Handstand Push ups
5. Front Squats - 60/40kg
6. Burpees
7. Pull ups
8. Box Jumps - 30/24"
9. Power Cleans - 60/40kg
10. Calories
11. Toes to Bar
12. Thrusters - 60/40kg
*This workout flows like the 12 days of Christmas song.
There are 12 rounds.
The first round is: just the 1 Rope Climb,
the second round is: 2 Muscle ups and 1 Rope Climb,
The third round is: 3 Snatches, 2 Muscle ups and a Rope Climb,
The fourth round is: 4 Handstand Push ups, 3 Snatches, 2 Muscle ups and a Rope Climb,
etc, etc....