♦️Warm Up
3 rounds
400m run, 20 kettlebell deadlifts (light weight)
♦️Work out
2 - 12 minute EMOM’s (every minute on the minute) with each exercise on the minute, once reps completed, you rest until the next minute 😁
12 minutes
🔹min 1 - 10 box jumps -6/8 planks
🔹min 2 - 10 deadlifts - after warming up to moderately heavy, start at 70% and increase weight each round if possible
🔹min 3 - 10 bench press - as above, increase each set
*Repeat 4 times. REST 2 mins then;
12 mins
🔸min 1 - 6 hang power cleans - as above with weight scheme & increase each
🔸min 2 - 60m farmer carry (kettlebells OR Dumbbells) Heavy
🔸min 3 - 20 double unders (OR 40 single skips)
♦️Cool down
500m row @ half pace + 5 mins stretching