start a clock for 7 minutes and keep moving through:
5 minute walk/Run
10 Dumbbell Flyes (light)
20 Banded Pull aparts
"This is the last week of this strength cycle, push hard we will be re-testing next week".
Bench Press - 4 sets of 5-8 @ 70%-76% of your best lift.
:60 seconds rest between sets.
*Tempo on each repetition is 4 seconds down, 1 second up.
Decline Barbell Bench Press - 10/10/8/8
:90 seconds rest between sets
Barbell Skull Crushers - 10/10/8/8
:90 seconds rest between sets
*Max set Diamond Push ups after each set of 8
100 Pec Deck - 55/35kg (or as close as you can get)
100 Dumbbell Hammer Curls - 15/10kg (or as close as you can get)
100 GHD Sit ups (Down to horizontal)
100 Bench Dips (Legs straight)